Why I study Anthropology?
Why I study Anthropology?

Anthropology is the subject that Makes mankind human.The study of anthropology is the study
of human beings: their culture, their behavior,beliefs, their uses of artifacts, their ways of surviving. Alexander Pope (1688 to 1744)describing Anthropology the "proper study of mankind." At first,Since anthropology is a human related subject, as a human being,it is necessary for me to study the subject and I will have interest in reading about myself.
- The purpose of anthropology is to make the world safe for human differences.
As a subject anthropology is a diverse subject. So Anthropology has more opportunities than any other discipline.Studying anthropology develops a kind of approach,due to which he does not look down on others, but rather respects others. Because of this approach, it doesn't matter whether he is in the majority or the minority. She wants to value each person individually,understand how patriarchy oppresses, and understand how inequality is created in society.focuses on remediation rather than punishment.They can think from a micro level, justify with ethnocentrism views and work holistically.This mentally changes his long-standing unilinear thinking . - What does it mean to major in anthropology?
Students who major in anthropology are curious about other cultures and other times. Anthropology majors gain a broad knowledge of other cultures as well as skills in observation, analysis, research, critical thinking, writing, and dealing with people from all cultures.Jatiya kabi kazi Nazrul Islam Universities Department of head in anthropology Dr.M Mahmodol Hoq said that : "Imagine a window which looks into another world. When you look through that window you understand your own world better. Anthropology is that window". (1) Anthropologists study the concept of culture and its relationship to human life in different times and places.They study the past to help interpret the present.
- Which is taught in anthropology:
Everything related to humans is taught in anthropology. The main academic discipline ofanthropology, also known as general anthropology or "four -field"anthropology,includes four main subdisciplines or subfields. they are sociocultural anthropology, archeological, biological, and linguistic anthropology.(From here on, the shorter term cultural anthropology will be used as a synonym for "sociocultural anthropology.") Of the subfields, cultural anthropology has the largest membership. Most departments of anthropology teach courses in all four subfields.(2) Apart from this everything related to human beings including law, development, ecology, literature, globalization, ICT, SDGS are taught in anthropology.Issues ranging from socialdiscrimination, gender discrimination to vedic community, transgender community, etc, are also included in the section.
- The Department of Anthropology Journey in Bangladesh :
The Department of Anthropology in Bangladesh first started in 1985 at Jahangirnagar University. After that, Anthropology was taught in various public and private universities including Dhaka University, Rajshahi University, Chittagong University, Shahjalal Science and Technology University, Jagannath University, Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University, Comilla University. Among the private universities, BRAC University and IUB are notable.
- Opportunity to higher education in abroad :
Anthropology is an international subject.There is a great opportunity in higher education for students studying in the department. Anthropology has been a topic of much discussion worldwide for the past hundred years, especially since the First World War. Anthropology is taught in almost all universities that top the world rankings where social sciences are taught. Oxford University, Cambridge University, Harvard University, Toronto University, Uppsala are notable. Universities offer undergraduate, postgraduate, PHD in anthropology.
- scope of anthropology :
Work opportunities :Since every place or every field of work deals with people, there is noplace where an anthropologist cannot work. It could be a company, it could be a development organization, it could be a voluntary organization, it could be the corporate sector, it could be a film. Anthropologists have worked to analyze the culture depicted in the movie Avatar. A software developer also hires an anthropologist. Naturally, the future of this wide-ranging subject is equally strong. The sector will lose its importance due to non-share technology. Rather, the demand will increase, which is already being noticed in the outside world. - By studying Anthropology, a student acquires skills in a number of areas, which are useful at every step in his career. For example:
- 1. Research skills
- 2. Data gathering skills
- 3. Communication skills
- 4. Problem solving skills
- 5. Power of observation
- 6. Analytical skills
- 7. Ability to present collected data.
- Anthropology is possible to build a care r in any sector?
Yes of course.Anthropology students are given preference in the jobs of various government and private development organizations. International organizations and also in research organizations. I would like to mention more examples. such as:
- human rights
- Safe water and sanitation
- Health care
- Agricultural development 5*family planning
- Immunization of mother and child
- Drug addiction cure
- Physical and mental disability
- Women development.
- Rural development
- Micro credit and poverty alleviation
- Rural development
- Relief and rehabilitation
- Labor and Employment
- Agricultural development
- Protect the environment
- Disaster Management
- education training
- Good governance and democracy.
An Anthropologist can also work in the following areas:
Project formulation
Project management
Advice on research
International Study Centre
Courses. policy setting.
- Importance of learning anthropology:
1. International priority .
Anthropology studies humans in an international context.They have to learn all people's cultures in the world. As you might expect this opens doors for global travel. When anthropology's student completed graduation , they can work among different groups of people around the world and research how they live.
2. Flexibility The flexibility of the subject means that youre sure to find your preferred appropriate place to concentration .Since anthropology has the many subdisciplines.A student of anthropology can chose her interested topic to deeply reasearch.It providing anthropology students with flexibility to concentrate on their specific area of interest.
3. Highly respected skil s A degree in anthropology will give you highly respected skills which are useful to many job roles and industries. In addition to anthropology-related skills, they ll improve in other areas such as research, problem-solving, independent and collaborative work, communication and information organisation skills. These skills are highly respected by employers.
4.Postgraduate facilities.
A postgraduate qualification will allow them to specialise in a chosen subfield of anthropology. Once they graduate with their anthropology degree, they may want to further develop their skills on a Masters or doctoral degree programme and also want to be a researcher.They can mean entering the job market at a higher level with the postgraduate knowledge.
As far as I can see anthropology is the niche study of mankind.After all these discussions, if someone asks me why I study anthropology? Then I will answer that, who told you to study
1:ht ps:/ www.ajker patrika.com/264819
2:(kot ak,Cultural Anthropology, 2017-2018)
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