How to read Arabic without Harakath?
How to read Arabic without Harakath?
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How to read Arabic without Harakath?
How to read Arabic without Harakath |
Hello good people! How are you? Hope you are well. I am also good. Today I am going to share with you how to read Arabic without Harakah / vowels. This is the most fluent question of beginner level Arabic learners. I have a YouTube channel for teaching Arabic to Bangladeshi students. They always ask me through comment how they can learn Arabic without harakath or vowels. This is not possible to give answer in a word. I think this is the burning question to me but I try my best to answer.Please read the article attentively.
To read Arabic without Harakah you have to learn something on Arabic language and grammar. Today I am going to share with you some exact points & example of learning Arabic without taskeel or Harakah.
However, come to the point. 1st of all I would like to give an example so that you can get an idea of harakah or vowels. Please notice some English words I am writing here here without vowels.
For example,
Stdnt ply crckt. edctn th bckbn of th ntn, lptp, cmmnt.
I have written some words and two sentences in front of you. Try to guess, what do mean that words and sentences. I think you have guessed the means of that mentioned words and sentences during you were reading.
However, the full form of those words are Student, Cricket,Backbone, Nation , Education, Laptop, Comment.
And full form of those sentences, Student are plying cricket. And Education is the backbone of the nation.
Now I am asking you how was it possible to guess the full form if those words and sentences without vowels? I think it was possible for 3 reasons. I will mention that reasons below consecutively.
1) You know the meaning of those words.
2)You know some rules of grammar.
3)You know changing of parts of speech.
This is the points I want to make you realize. You can read Arabic without any Harakah if you know properly above mentioned three reasons. But the name or term of those rules may be changed as language is different. I will make you know the the Arabic term of those reasons.
Thinking above 3 terms I am going to start my discussion. If you want to read Arabic without Harakah you have to know 3 things that will be mentioned consecutively below.
1) You have to know many Arabic single word-meaning.
For example ;
A book- کِتابٌٗ
A door- بَابٌٗ
A window - نافِظَةٌٗ
Rice- أرٌزٌّٗ
Food -طَعامٌٗ
A dress-قَمیصٌٗ
A bed- سَریرٌٗ
A plane- طیَّارٌٗ
A man- ناسٌٗ
A woman - نِساءٌٗ
A car-سَیَّارَةٌٗ
A rose-زَهرَةٌٗ
A city-مَدِینَةٌٗ
An Apple -تٌفَّاحٌٗ
A hospital -مٌستَشفی
Good- جَیِّدٌٗ
Intelligent -ذَکِیَّةٌٗ
A cow- بَقَرَةٌٗ
A goat- غَنَمٌٗ
A friend -صَدِیقٌٗ
A lire- کَذِبٌٗ
2) You have to know some rules of Arabic grammar.
For example,
You know from the 28 letters of Arabic alphabet there are six vowels in Arabic language. Of them 3 are short vowels and other 3 are long vowels. The three letters Alif, oyao, iya, are the long vowels and the short form of those letters Zommah, Fatah, Kasrah are the short vowels.
And rest of the singns are not vowels. They are mentioned in the dictionary such as Tasdid or Shaddah, sukun etc.
You have to know when will be Zommah or Oyao and when will be Fatah of Alif and when will be Kasrah or Iya.
NB: Marfu means there will be vowels/ Harakath by Zommah, it ca be short or long form.
Mansub means there will be vowels/Harakath by Fatah, it can be short or long form.
Majrur means there will be vowels/Harakath by Kasra, it can be short or long form.
There are 8 kinds of words that words always be Marfu with short or long vowels.
Such as...
1)Fayel (فاعِل) That means who do the task.
Example. ذَهَبَ خالِدٌٗ means Khalid went.
2) Maf'ulu Ma lam usamma Fayeluh ( مَفعول مالم یٌسَمی فاعِله) That means object.
Example. قٌتِلَ زَیدٌٗ means Zaid was killed..
3)Mubtada.(مٌبتَدأ) That means subject.
Example. القٌرانٌ کِتابٌ اللهِ means The Quran is the book o Allah. Here the quran is mubtada.
4)Khobor. (خَبر) That means predicate.
Example. ألقٌرانٌ کِتابٌ اللهِ Means The Quran is the book o Allah. here the book of Allah is khobor or news.
5) Khabre inna oya akhoyatiha.(خَبرٌ إنَّ و أخواتِها) One kind of preposition.
Example.إنَّ زَیدًا کَرِیمٌٗ means Ofcours Zaid is honorable. Here is karim.
6) Isme kana oya akhoyatiha.(إسمِ کان و أخواتِها) One kind of preposition.
Example. کان خالِدٌٗ صادِقاً means Khalid was truthful. here is khalid.
7) Khabru La allati linaf il jins.(خَبرٌ لا ألَّتِی لِنَفی الجِنسِ) One kind of preposition.
Example. لا طالبَ حاضِرٌٗ فی الفَصلِ There is no student in the class. here is hadirun.
8)Khabru Ma oya La al- Mushabbaha taini bilaisa.(خَبرٌ ما و لا ألمٌشَبَّهَتَینِ بِلَیسَ)one kind of preposition.
Example. ما زَیدٌٗ حاضِراً means Zaid is not present. here is Zaidun.
There are 12 kinds of words that words will be Mansub by short or long vowels.
Such as.....
1) Mafulu bihi.( مَفعٌولٌ بِه)One kind of Object.
Example. أطعَمَ خالِدٌٗ المِسکِینَ means Khalid fed the the poor. here is Miskina.
2)Mafulu fihi.(مَفعٌولٌ فِیه)One kind of Object.
Example. ذَھَبَ راشِدٌٗ فی المَسجِدِ means Rashid went to the mosque. Here is fil masjid.
3)Mafulu Lahu.( مَفعٌولٌ لَه) One kind of Object.
Example, ضَرَبتٌ خالِداً لِتأدِیبَِ Means I bit khilid so that he can learn courtesy. here is littadib.
4)Mafulu mayahu.(مَفعٌولٌ مَعَهٗ) one kind of Object.
Example; صَلَّیتٌ و الجَماعَةَ means I said pryer with jama'ah. here is oyal zama'ah.
5)Mafulu mutlaq.(مَفعٌولٌ مٌطلَق) One kind of object.
Example; أکَلتٌ الطَعامَ أکلاً means I eat enough. here is aklan.
6)Hal.(حالٌٗ) indicates the situation.
Example; جاءَ خالِدٌٗ راکِباً عَلی السَّیَّارَةِ means Khalid came riding on a bus. here is rakiban.
7) Tamyeej.(تَمیِیز) Make different.
Example; وجَدتٌ تِسعٌونَ قَلَماً means I got 90 pens. Here is Qalaman.
8)Ismul mustasna.(ألإسم المٌستَسنی) Make different .
Example; جاءَ الطٌّلَّابٌ إلا خالِداً means All students came without khalid. here is khalid.
9) Ismu inna oya akhoyatiha. (إسمٌ إنَّ و أخواتِها) One kind of Object.
Example; .إنَّ زَیدًا کَرِیمٌٗ means Of cours Zaid is honorable. here is Zaidan.
10)Khabru kana oya akhoyatiha. (خَبرٌ کانَ و أخواتِها) One kind of preposition.
Example; کانَ خالِدٌٗ قاٸِماً means Khalid was standing. here is qaeman
11)Khabru Ma oya La al-mushabbaha taini bilaisa.(خَبرٌ ما ولا المٌشَبَّتَینِ بِلَیسَ) One kind of preposition.
Example; ما زَیدٌٗ حاضِراً means Zaid was not present. here is hadiran.
12)Ismu la Allati linaf il jins.(إسمٌ لا الًَتِی لِنَفیِ الجِنسِ) One kind of preposition prohibits the class.
Example; لا قَلَمَ فی الحَقِیبَةِ means There is no pen in the bag. here is qalama.
There are 2 kinds of words that words will be Majrur by short or long vowels.
1) Mudaf ilaihi.(مٌضافٌٗ إلیهِ) Possessive phrase.
Example; قَلَمٌ راشِدٍ means
Rashed's pen.
2) Majrur.(مَجرٌور) Noun on which will be kasrah and in front of that Noun will be Harfe zar or preposition.
Example; القَلَمٌ فی الحَقِیبَةِ Means The pen is in the bag.
3) You have to know changing of verbs or words.
For example,
You know, Arabic grammar is classified into to types. Ilmun nahu and ilmus saraf. I have already said about ilmun nahu in 2nd part. Now I am saying about ilmus saraf. Ilmus saraf is the part of changing words or parts of speech into others parts of speech or words.and also discussed about Tense or Zamanah in this part.
You have to know about changing of verb into various types.
Such as...
1)Madi.(ماضِی) Past tens.
Example; ذَھَبَ خالِدٌٗ إلی الجامِعَةِ means Khalid wen to University.
You know Madi (ماضی) is classified into 6 kinds.
Such as.
1)Madi mutlaq. ماضی مطلق
2)Madi qarib.ماضی قریب
3) Madi bayeed.ماضی بعید
4)Madi istimrari.ماض إستمرری
5)Madi ihtimali.ماضی إحتمالی
6)Madi Tamannai.ماضی تمناٸ
From every tense will be 14 words. One example for you.
This is Madi mutlaq from (النَّصرٌ) An-nasru verb.
1)He helped. (نَصَر )
2)They (two male) helped. (نَصَرا)
3) They (more than 2 male ) helped.( نَصَرٌوا)
4) She helped.(نَصَرَت)
5) They (2 female ) helped.(نَصَرتا)
6) The (more than 2 female) helped.( نَصَرن َ)
7)You (a male) helped.( نَصَرتَ)
8) You (2 male) helped.(نَصَرتٌما)
9) You (more than 2 male) helped. (نَصَرتٌم)
10) You ( a female) helped. (نَصَرتِ)
11)You (2 female) helped.( نَصَرتما)
12)You (more than 2 female) helped.( نَصَرتٌنَّ)
13) I( a male or female)helped.(نَصَرتٌ)
14) We (2 or more than male or female ) helped.(نَصَرنا)
In this way evry tense will be 14 words. You must have a little knowledge of changing of words.
2)Mudare.(مٌضارِع) Present and future tense combine.
Example; یَذهَبٌ خالِدٌٗ إلی القَریَةِ means He goes or will go to village.
NB: Mudare is classified into Present(hal) & Future (Mustaqbil)
3)hal,(حال) Present tense.
Example; یذَهَبَ خالِدٌٗ means Khalid goes.
4)Amar.(الأمر) Imperative.
Example; إذهَب إلی مَسجِدِ means Go to mosque.
5)Nahi.(الناهِی) Negative imperative.
Example; لا تَذھَب إلی السٌّوقِ means Do not go to Market.
6)Isme maful.(إسمِ مَفعٌول) Objective Noun.
Example; أرٌّزٌّ مَأکٌولٌٗ means rice i eaten.
It will change into six words . مأکولٌٗ۔ مأکٌولانِ۔ مأکٌولٌونَ۔مأکٌولَةٌٗ۔ مأکٌولَتان۔مَأکٌولاتٌٗ
7)isme fayel.(إسمِ فاعِل) Doer Noun.
Example; هٌوَ ناصِرٌٗ means He is a helper.
Changing of this Bahas will be this way into six words , ناصِرٌٗ۔ناصِرانِ۔ ناصِرٌونَ۔ ناصِرةٌٗ ۔ ناصِرَتانِ۔ ناصِراتٌٗ
8)Isme Zaraf.(إسمِ ظَرَف)Noun indicates Place and tense.
Example of place; مَسجِدٌٗ means place of giving giving.
Example of tense; مَغرِبٌٗ means time of sun set.
9)Isme Alah.(إسمِ اَلَه) Noun indicate to instrument.
Example; مِفتاحٌٗ means a device of opening lock. that means key.
10)Isme tafzeel.(إسمِ تَفضِیل) Noun indicates to superlative degree.
Example; هٌوَ أفضَلٌ الطّالِبِ فی الفَصلِ means He is the best boy in the class.
At the end of my article about How to read Arabic without harakat, I remember you 3 things you have to know to read Arabic without Harakat.
1) Know a lot of words meaning.
2) Know Arabic some rules of Arabic grammar. that means ilmun hahu.
3)Know changing of part of speech. that means ilmus saraf.
No more today. See you in another blog. Next article will be how to learn Arabic quickly by the blessing of Allah. Say something about my article. It will help me to write better also inspire me.
Thanks a lot for being with me.
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